
Caution: Habit Forming

A lot of firsts all at once…

Today was the first day of my second semester of freshman year in college. It was also the first day of LISS training for Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide and the first day I realized how exciting sticking to a plan is.

There were some seconds too. Today was the second day of my clean eating streak and the second day of the BBG as a whole.

Essentially, there’s a lot happening all  at once…

But besides that I feel really good about it all! I’m proud that I haven’t broken my clean eating streak, even if it’s only been two days (progress is progress). I’m also proud that I am really sticking to the Bikini Body Guide and really doing it justice. I think that acknowledging any bit of progress is important to staying motivated on any self-improvement journey. But I also know that along the way it may be hard to find my motivation, hidden in the back of my mind clutching to some Goldfish and Netflix. However, I’ve come to realize that these first few weeks of my journey are going to be extremely crucial in how the rest of it will go. I personally am trying to form these healthy habits early so that in later weeks I won’t even question healthy decisions, I’ll just do them. So below I’ve listed some of my favorite “Habit Helper’s”, as I’ve so cleverly titled them, and hope that they can help you form some healthy one’s of your own.

Habit Helpers:

1. Make a To-Do List

☞ This one helps me a ton. I make a list the night before each day of no more than 10 tasks I want to complete. No more than 10 so that it doesn’t become overwhelming. They don’t have to be big, just simple things you want to complete. I always include a workout and/or stretching and yoga. This makes me feel motivated to check everything off the list and complete a workout during my day ✔

2. Keep a Food Diary

☞ I used to be super reluctant (lazy) when it came to this one. I thought it was super boring to write down everything I ate in a day and I would always forget to include absolutely everything. So I made a new system for myself. If you find journaling all of your food boring, instead just do an all over reflection at the end of the day! I keep a journal of all my To-Do lists with the page next to it saved for that days food reflection. I just write a small amount about how I felt about today’s food choices and how I’m feeling about it at the end of the day. The key is to be honest with yourself and not fib about any cheat meals. 

3. Make a Weekly Schedule

☞ Prior to starting the Bikini Body Guide I sat down and looked at my class schedule/planner and created a weekly workout schedule that fit around or between everything I know I’m going to be doing weekly. Having this schedule gives me no excuse and no reason to think I don’t have time for a workout. This has already helped me stay motivated to complete Week 1. This schedule helps me feel on top of  my fitness and helps me keep track of the days I’m working out and how many rest days I’m taking. ☼

So there you have it! My favorite habit forming guides. These little tools can help make sticking to your plans much easier. However, when it comes down to it, it’s all about perseverance and determination ➸

Bye for now,

Maddie ૐ

Pssssssst… I posted Week 1’s progress pics for BBG. Scary, but what the hell. Lemme know if you’re joining the challenge and we can struggle together ☺♡


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