Bikini Body, Fitness, Healthy Eating, Journey

And So it Begins…

So here it is… The very first post on this blog. I’m almost in disbelief that I am writing this. But anyhow, I guess I should give a little background as to why I’m making this blog!

So I’ll start with the title. My Fit Hit is supposed to my “hit” or kick in the butt to really take health and fitness seriously. I like to consider myself a pretty healthy person overall, however even with this in mind I’ve never been totally happy with my appearance. I’m one of those people who will go to the gym 5-6 days a week for an hour plus and be frustrated after a few months of hard work with little to no results. In doing some research I’ve found that I have been in a massive plateau for quite some time. Also from research, I have found that one of the reasons I have plateaued in my fitness is diet. DIET. Such a hated word. But it can be the biggest reason people are not seeing the results they want from their workouts, myself included. So I’ve started this blog to help hold myself accountable for eating healthy and maintaining a healthy and positive mindset throughout. Because honestly… I have the biggest sweet tooth and hate anything revolving around restricting food intake, BUT diet is super important to gain and maintain a healthy and toned body and I hope this blog will help me maintain a healthy lifestyle.

So now that the title is explained I’ll give a bit of background about myself. So I have been active my entire life. I played basketball and did dance as a kid and well into my teens. However, after high school ended I wasn’t in any organized physical activities and was responsible for my own fitness. I started off great! Took my diet seriously, went to the gym regularly and eventually saw some serious improvements. I also took up a serious love for yoga. I’ve been practicing regularly for almost a year now and absolutely love it. However, after about 6-7 months into this routine I began to take my diet for granted and somewhat fell off the clean eating train. I didn’t totally lose track but that combined with a plateau in exercising created a ginormous rut. Currently I am 18 years old, a freshman in college and am still residing in this rut. Again, I’m hoping this blog will help me crawl my way out and help me avoid plateauing in the future!

Now onto some of the boring stats. Just so I can keep track of all this accurately and give anyone reading this some context I’m going to post my height and weight. My weight has always been a touchy subject for me. I never knew what a healthy weight for someone of my body type was and although it hasn’t been the freshman 15, the freshman 10 has certainly happened. Initially I freaked out. The words “fat”, “overweight”, and “out of control” all ran through my head. Pretty harsh words for 10 pounds. But nonetheless, I still felt that way until I came upon Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide. If you haven’t heard of Kayla, make sure to check out her instagram @kayla_itsines for some awesome workout tips and inspiration. She’s an Australian personal trainer who has created a couple of extensive eguides that you can purchase on her website. I personally purchased her first Bikini Body Guide alone. I didn’t purchase her eating plan because I know how to eat healthy, it’s just the motivation that I lack occasionally. Anyways, I came across her instagram and guides and was totally inspired. It’s hard not to be when looking at all the amazing transformations on her insta account. So I’ve decided to blog and keep track of my progress using this guide.

So here are the stats:

Height: 5 feet 9 inches

Weight: 137.6 lbs

Now I’m not necessarily trying to lose weight here. I know that this is a healthy weight and that I feel healthy at it. The issue I have is that going from 130 to fluctuating between 137-140 pounds has caused me to lose definition all around my body and feel overall less toned. Being a few inches above average height makes weight gain a little less obvious on me to other people. However, I notice it a lot in the way I feel and look and in the end your opinion about yourself is all that really matters. But that is why I have taken such an interest in Kayla’s guide! It seems to be extremely successful in helping girls tone up their bodies and get themselves on the right track. That happens to be exactly what I’m hoping to do.

So to sum it all up, I’d guess I’d have to use one word: faith. As cheesy as it sounds I’m going to need a lot of faith in myself, my abilities, Kayla’s program and faith in the journey to get where I want to be. A healthy and fit lifestyle isn’t a destination but more of a constant work in progress. I’m hoping that this blog will help me along this journey and help me appreciate all the bumps along the way.

Bye for now, 

Maddie ॐ
